Jakarta Fashion Week 2018
Yeay! I am beyond happy and excited to be invited to Jakarta Fashion Week 2018. SO HAPPY!
Ini adalah pengalaman pertamaku menghadiri salah satu event besar dalam dunia fashion. Satu hal yang paling menarik bagiku adalah kolaborasi antara Kedutaan Swedia dan Swedish Fashion Council yang menampilkan tiga brand Swedia dengan tema yang simple. I really really love Swedish fashion style. How they mostly use neutral colour looks more elegant but in the right way. Mungkin juga karena aku juga suka dengan warna-warna netral dan monokrom.
Before the show me and some of my new friends talked with one of the person from the embassy. Awalnya kita sedikit minder karena kebanyakan yang datang bergaya glamour dan some of them even wore bright color that I always afraid to wear (lol). But then he said, “Don’t worry, in Sweden people love neutral colors. We prefer a simple fashion style and subtle.” And we were just like “Phew.”
So let’s see some of my favorite from the runway. Ah iya, dalam fashion show ini ada tiga brand yang ditampilkan yaitu,
Also the Shoes are sponsored by DUFFY (Swedish Brand), CRUDE BOOT COMPANY (Swedish Brand), and BIRKENSTOCK (German Brand).
This would be the most favorite. Look how soft the color is! |
Simple floral pattern dress.
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