Beware because in this part you will find how
you make me feel after all this time.
What do you mean that I don’t love you
After all these days with you, laughing and
watching movies from Mr. Bean to Tom & Jerry. And gosh, how much we hate those horror movies, where all the ghosts look fake but we still are
afraid of them.
Don’t you dare to say that I forget the taste
of your favorite food? I can even remember the smell of it. How you always
stole a piece or two from my plate, but I let you anyway because it wasn’t my
favorite food. I just loved to see you eat it. Wait, I should say, I still and
will always love to see you happy eating your favorite food.
I can tell you this.
You left a big part of you in my days in the
future, in some of the clothes that I choose to wear. Something
black or grey t-shirt. You left a little bit in my choice of food.
In the movies and books, I read. And in some kindness that I never realized I just
adopted from you. How to be thankful and always kind to the people around you.
How to speak softly and trying not to hurt others because words might leave
Somehow my words in this letter sound like I
couldn’t move on with my life. In fact, my days without you went pretty good my
dear. But my heart’s left in a pocket of your favorite jeans. I still love you
and I will always do. Even though I tell my friends how much I hate you and I
will never ever, ever! Forgive you. But I play the card in reverse. I said
things backward. I used to hate you, then I forgive you,
and I keep on loving you.
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