Beware because in this part you will find how you make me feel after all this time. What do you mean that I don’t love you anymore? After all these days with you, laughing and watching movies from Mr. Bean to Tom & Jerry. And gosh, how much we hate those horror movies, w he re all the ghosts look fake but we still are afraid of them. Don’t you dare to say that I forget the taste of your favorite food? I can even remember the smell of it. How you always stole a piece or two from my plate, but I let you anyway because it wasn’t my favorite food. I just loved to see you eat it. Wait, I should say, I still and will always love to see you happy eating your favorite food. I can tell you this. You left a big part of you in my days in the future, in some of the clothes that I choose to wear. Something black or grey t-shirt. You left a little bit in my choice of food. In the movies and books, I read. And in some kindness that I never realized I just adopted from you. How t...